Mechanics Lien in Chicago

Chicago Mechanic’s Lien Act is especially for contractors and subcontractors who didn’t get paid for the jobs done. Our goal is to help you establish your lien rights so that you can get paid for the construction projects you do.

Begin your Mechanic’s Lien application online.The application takes about 5 minutes to complete, and then I will contact you about your application. If you have any questions, call us at 1-773-635-0099. We will step you through the process, making sure you understand all of the pieces, so you can make smart choices.

A mechanic’s lien waiver is used as a proof a contractor was paid for the labor, material and services provided on a project. If you have any questions, call us at 1-773-635-0099. We will step you through the process, making sure you understand all of the pieces, so you can make smart choices (read more)

How to fill out mechanic’s lien application? The most important thing is to work with Lien Professionals, because there is a lot of information which we have to provide with the mechanic’s lines (read more)

Do you know that Chicago IL Mechanics Lien Act provides a powerful collection tool to general contractors? This is simple an unpaid contractor’s Best Friend. For more information please Contact Contractor’s Lien Advisors 5440 N Cumberland Ave, Suite 138, Chicago, IL 60656 Tel: 773.635.0099